Book Clubs
Love and Other Monsters
Do you want to read the most swoon-worthy titles romantasy has to offer? Then this club is for you.
Finding love in the most unexpected species
- For: Adult Readers
- Meets one Friday a month, 5:30-6:30 pm
- Registration needed to participate? No
Li’l Weirdos
Read the weird and wondrous each month, and come get confused with us!
Reading the short, strange, literary, and inexplicable
- For: Adult Readers
- Meets one Friday a month, 6 – 7 pm
- Registration needed to participate? No
Dog-Eared Books Official Book Club
Do you like reading the standout titles published recently? Then this club is for you.
Reading the latest and greatest
- For: Adult Readers
- Meets one Thursday a month, 10 – 11 am
- Registration needed to participate? No
Between the Covers Book Club
Do you enjoy a rom-com that gives you sweet and spicy vibes? Then this club is for you.
The book club celebrating all things rom-com!
- For: Adult Readers
- Meets one Saturday a month at 6:30 PM
- Registration needed to participate? No
Infinite Worlds
Do you like the work of marginalized authors of fantasy and sci-fi? Then this club is for you.
Exploring fantasy and sci-fi by contemporary authors of marginalized identities
- For: Adult Readers
- Meets one Monday a month, 5 – 6 pm
- Registration needed to participate? No
Found in Translation Book Club
Do you like reading to see the world? Then this club is for you.
Traveling abroad through translated titles from around the world
- For: Adult Readers
- Meets one Friday a month, 7 – 8 pm
- Registration needed to participate? No
Thrills & Chills Book Club
Do you like to be thrilled and chilled while reading? Then this club is for you.
Exploring contemporary mysteries and thrillers
- For: Adult Readers
- Meets one Tuesday a month, 5:30 – 7 pm
- Registration needed to participate? No
The BOO*-k Club
Read the Bloodcurdling, Ominous, and Otherworldly each month, and come get creeped out with us!
Reading contemporary horror short story collections and novellas
- For: Horror Readers
- Meets one Friday a month, 5 – 6 pm
- Registration needed to participate? No
Good Books Young Troublemakers Book Club for Middle School Students
Are you a booklover enrolled in Middle School? Then this club is for you.
Not only are books fun, but some stories can also help us learn how to think about injustice, use our voices—and be good troublemakers!
- For: Middle School Readers
- Meets one Saturday a month, 4 – 4:45 pm
- Registration needed to participate? No
Your Best Self Book Club
Do you want to live and work to your highest potential? Then this club is for you.
- Learn More
OLD Book Club
Do you like reading lesser-known classics? Then this club is for you.
Exploring the bounds of classic literature one book at a time.
- For: Adult Readers
- Meets the third Wednesday each month, 6 PM – 7 PM
- Registration needed to participate? No