For school districts that purchase at least $2,500 in books for curriculum or libraries, Dog-Eared Books offers the opportunity to host a weekend-long, in-store fundraiser for your school districts.
Eligible schools can direct families and members of their community during a designated weekend to shop at Dog-Eared Books. When they check out, they can tell a bookseller they are shopping for your school, and 15% percent of their sale will be directed toward your fundraiser.
At the end of the fundraising time period, proceeds of your supporters’ sales will be made available for the school to purchase books at a 15% discount for their classrooms or library.
Dog-Eared Books will promote your fundraiser using our social media platforms and with in-store signage. Booksellers will also make themselves available to make recommendations for books that are sure to engage and delight the readers in your school.

If you would like to begin the process of buying books with Dog-Eared Books, or if you have questions about any of our school services, please contact Ellyn Grimm, co-owner of Dog-Eared Books and our school sales and support representative.
Ellyn is a former 7-12 ELA teacher, having taught in the Williamsburg and Ames Community School Districts. She knows educators are some of the most crucial yet undervalued members of our communities, and her mission is to support them in this invaluable work. You can reach her at schools@dogearedbooksames.com.